
【関連ニュース】「マンスフィールドーPhRMA研究者プログラム」2024 参加者募集

【関連ニュース】「マンスフィールドーPhRMA研究者プログラム」2024 参加者募集



「マンスフィールド-PhRMA研究者プログラム」2024 参加者募集



選抜された参加者は、今年9月8日から22日にかけての2週間、ワシントンD.C.、フィラデルフィア、ボストンを訪問し、現地の専門家との会合および関連する医療機関の施設訪問を通して意見交換やベストプラクティスの共有を行います。帰国後は、この米国研修で実際に学んだ知見や経験を同期の仲間と広く分かち合い、日本の研究開発政策の改善に寄与することが期待されています。 応募書類ならびに本プログラムに関する詳しい情報は当財団の下記の日本語ウェブサイトを参照ください。 (







February 27, 2024


(Washington, DC) The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation is pleased to announce recruitment for the 2024 Mansfield-PhRMA Research Scholars Program. This unique program was launched in 2013 to bring young researchers from Japan’s pharmaceutical research and development field to the United States to learn about U.S. healthcare policy, with a focus on translational research. This will be the tenth group of researchers to participate in the program.

In the months ahead, the Mansfield Foundation will select eight Japanese researchers from Japanese national institutes and private university or university-affiliated institutions to participate in the 2024 program. Applicants should be recognized experts in their areas of focus with several years of professional experience as well as a graduate degree, preferably a PhD or its equivalent. The program is not open to employees of pharmaceutical firms.

Researchers selected for the program will travel to the United States for two weeks of meetings and site visits from September 8 to September 22, 2024. During the exchange they will share information and best practices with senior experts in Washington, DC, Philadelphia, and Boston. When they return to Japan, they will be expected to share what they learned with their Japanese colleagues, to put the experience to use in their work, and to contribute to Japan’s R&D policy reforms and medical innovation in a practical way.

Application forms and further information about the program are available on the Foundation’s website: The application deadline is April 7th, 2024. The Mansfield-PhRMA Research Scholars Program is sponsored by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).

“The Mansfield-PhRMA Research Scholars Program continues to strengthen the connections between rising medical researchers in Japan and their U.S. counterparts to translate findings from basic science to advance human health and well-being,” said Frank Jannuzi, President and CEO of the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation.

“Since 2013, nearly a hundred researchers have visited the United States to make contacts and learn techniques to advance pharmaceutical development and medical innovation in Japan. The Mansfield Foundation is excited to welcome a milestone tenth class of Mansfield-PhRMA Research Scholars to our network of experts in Japan’s translational research community,” said Associate Director of Programs Nathan Finch.

The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization that promotes understanding and cooperation in U.S.-Asia relations. The Foundation was established in 1983 to honor Mike Mansfield (1903-2001), a remarkable public servant, statesman and diplomat who played a pivotal role in many of the key domestic and international issues of the 20th century as U.S. congressman from Montana, Senate majority leader, and U.S. ambassador to Japan. Maureen and Mike Mansfield’s values, ideals, and vision for U.S.-Asia relations continue through the Foundation’s exchanges, dialogues, research, and educational programs, which create networks among U.S. and Asian leaders, explore the underlying issues influencing public policies, and increase awareness about the nations and peoples of Asia. The Foundation has offices in Washington, Tokyo, and Missoula, Montana.